Cleaning is much more than just keeping the dirt off of your properties, it must be a long lasting effort that changes the atmosphere for the better. Being the core of our business, we understand that maintaining a clean environment improves both health and productivity. Whether for large-scale industrial cleaning or a small office maintenance service, K&D is prepared to assist you.

Outsourcing Janitorial Services

At today's level of competitiveness, efficiency is vital in order to stay ahead. A good strategy is to outsource non-core tasks which allows you to better allocate resources, reduce costs and guarantee a quality work done by professionals.

By partnering with an external company you also gain control because you can have workers on-demand. This generates further savings that would otherwise be spent on a full-time internal staff, which additionally requires management and equipment.

At K&D we live by efficiency as our creed and we take great pride in doing what we do best (managing your facility), so that you can focus on what you do best (running your business).

Outsourcing to K&D Service Group

Commercial cleaning is our core business and we dedicate every resource to it. We have the experience, the expertise and the tools necessary to deliver a high quality service; but our most important asset is our people, we have strict personnel qualification policies that guarantee an excellent team of talented professionals at your service 24/7.

K&D offers a full range of commercial cleaning services that are customized to meet the specific needs of property managers and building owners. We can take care of all specialized commercial cleaning jobs, including: pressure washing, dumpster cleanup, window cleaning, upholstery cleaning, construction cleanup, general sanitation and emergency services