Making the right selection of carpets and floors is key to the overall look and feel of your property, preserving them is important to maintain their good appearance and a clean environment. At K&D we know that they require special care depending on the materials, colors and designs, therefore we have a team of experts to help you choose and properly install, repair and maintain them.

Carpet & Floor Installation

Installing the right carpets and floors also adds value to your property. At K&D we have a variety of colors, textures and styles so that you can choose just the right one. We also give you advice on easily maintained materials to help you decide.

When you choose us to install your flooring or carpet, we take care of everything, from removal of current flooring to cleaning of all project-related debris when the project is finished.

We know that installation projects can become a hassle if not handled properly, so we adjust to your schedule to minimize disturbance and to make your life easier.

Carpet & Floor Maintenance

Minimizing noxious chemical usage while optimizing cleaning is something we specialize on, our process is such that allows you to walk by normally right after the cleaning is finished and it stays clean for a longer period of time than regular methods.

We provide professional cleaning and maintenance service for all types of hard floors and carpets, our team of professionals is enabled with the proper machinery, products and methods for your specific carpets and floors